Fine-Tune Vectorization

Create and Edit Parts

The shortest step
from will to real.

Take the next step
Streamline your production process with our advanced tools designed to prepare your models for manufacturing. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly adjust your industrial plans, ensuring immediate results in patterns and sizes. Our platform offers seamless integration with production automation systems, allowing for a direct connection that streamlines the entire workflow.

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual adjustments and hello to efficiency and precision. Whether you need to make minor tweaks or major changes, our intuitive interface makes it easy to modify your designs and adapt them to meet your production needs. With real-time feedback and visualization capabilities, you can confidently prepare your models for production, knowing that they'll meet the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

2D Features

2D modeling tools

Definition of style lines.

Related and unrelated lines.

Measurement tools over shell and graded sizes.

Interactive and automatic tools for line distortion (moccasin style).

Comprehensive Mirror/Flip tools allowing you to speed up operations.

MindCAD 2D open model dialog improved: the window is resizable and intuitive for navigation.

Net select behavior controlled by mouse direction, allows greater control over elements selection, making selection operations faster and more efficient. This behavior is optional and can be set in preferences.

Allow the user to set the model name when creating a new document, simplifies and clarifies project naming in the moment of creation and not only when we are saving it.

Use model name by default when sending to cut, keeps consistent of project naming through all the process. Choosing a different name is always possible.

Creating patterns

Complete pattern definition without adding auxiliary lines.

Automatic definition of margins, overlaps, and others.

Automatic creation of notches, fillets, drills, and stencils.

Punch distribution count and average distance is synchronized on the toolbox, provides real time and synchronized information to the user between punches quantities and distance.

Create multiple punches/notches on all intersections in a single operation, accelerates the process of creating multiple punches or notches over in interceptions of the same line.

Fast and simple grading

Grading on French, English, and American scale.

Combined upper and bottom grading.

Fitting and group-coordinated grading systems.

Definition of advanced grade modifiers.

Possibility to change model base size after creation, allows the user to change the base size if necessary or if there is a mistake at the time of the project creation, without having to grade.

Adjustable punches in size code, more freedom to setup the code system allowing to define the punch position in X and Y.

Better performance and controlled visualization with the ability to knock grading visualization position, this will be preserved in the model and in DXF export. Its also available the possibility to show and hide parts elements.

Integration with production

Prepare your models to production.

Easily change your industrial plans, with immediate results in patterns and sizes, with a direct connection to the production automation.

Tight integration with MindCUT software, for automatic nesting and cutting control and optimization.

Customer stories


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